After Rhinoplasty or Nose Job

After your rhinoplasty surgery or nose job, most patients experience little pain unless the nose is touched.  Remember to keep babies away!  Pain medication will be prescribed for any discomfort by Dr. Johnson. Don’t be surprised at the pale, bruised, and puffy nose you see after a Rhinoplasty or nose job . This is normal and 80% of the swelling will last 14 days and 20% of the puffiness will persist for 3 months. Internal nasal packs may be applied (and should not be removed). Patients are seen in three (3) days to have them removed.  A nasal splint will be applied and not removed for seven (7) days.  The sutures placed under the nose will be removed at the 1 week appointment. Some numbness of the skin after a Rhinoplasty or nose job is quite normal; it will disappear in a few months. Keep the incision moist with Polysporin® for 2 weeks.  You can find Polysporin® over the counter at any local pharmacy.


It is recommended that you keep your head elevated and as still as possible for a couple of days after surgery, to keep the swelling down. Continuously apply cold compress for 24 to 48 hours after your surgery.  A bag of peas works very well Recovery time will vary, depending on your surgery, usually a period of 7 to 12 days will be needed. Avoid driving an automobile for at least 24 to 48 hours after surgery and longer if you are talking a narcotic. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy housework for at least 2 weeks.  Lift nothing heavier than a gallon of milk.  If you have a baby at home, consider some extra help around the house. Your first post-op rhinoplasty or nose job appointment will be scheduled for 5-7 days after surgery unless you had nasal packs paced, and other follow-up appointments will be scheduled depending on your progress. You may apply makeup or facial creams after 1 week from surgery.